Quick Tips to Motivate Your Team
Motivation is the magic ingredient that drives people to do their best work. Unmotivated teams can quickly become unproductive, disengaged and unhappy. As a manager, you have a key role to play in keeping your team motivated. Here are some tips to help you do that.
First and foremost, communicate, communicate, communicate. This doesn’t have to mean giving your team motivational pep talks. It’s more about just having a regular, open, and honest dialogue with them.
Good communication helps to make people feel valued, involved, and secure in the knowledge that they know what’s going on in their team and organization. To get your team onside, create opportunities for them to have their say and make a contribution wherever possible. For example, ask for their input in meetings or send out a survey.
You also need to lead by example. As a manager, your attitude rubs off on your team. Even if you are having a bad day, a positive attitude is essential for keeping your team energized and motivated. Your approach to work also has an impact. So, doing your best every day will inspire your team to do the same.
Setting challenges for your team can also help to motivate them. For some people, new responsibilities or challenging tasks can have a positive effect, but this might not be the case for everyone.
Be sure to select the right work for the right people. Some people are driven by the prospect of development and progression at work. Provide team members with opportunities for learning where you can and take the time to understand their career aspirations.
And finally, rewarding hard work is one of the best ways to motivate your team and boost morale. This doesn’t have to break the bank. For example, offering flexible working hours or time-off in lieu are all easy on the purse strings as well as simple to implement. Don’t forget to celebrate your team’s achievements and acknowledge outstanding individual performance.
You should also recognize the good work that happens in your team every day. A simple “thank you” or “well done” can do wonders for their motivation.
So there are many ways to motivate your team, but remember, the key is understanding what makes each individual tick. Why not ask them in your next one-to-one meeting or run a team exercise to find out?